You will be asked some questions to make sure you are eligible for services and interested in work. If you are considering employment, you will be given general information regarding the work incentives that will be available to you, and you will be asked to call back when you are working or have a job offer pending. If you are working, deciding about a current job offer, or are a transition-aged youth receiving benefits (between 14 and 18) your information will be sent to the ADMH Work Incentives Planning and Assistance program. You will receive a phone call and a packet of information/releases by mail (including a postage-paid return envelope). When we receive your signed releases, we will acquire a Benefits Planning
Query from Social Security with details about your benefits and work incentive usage. You will then be contacted by your CWIC and individualized services and assistance will begin.

What happens when I contact the Ticket to Work Helpline?