Services available through the Division of Developmental Disabilities are typically provided through Medicaid Waiver programs. These are home and community-based services programs (HCBS) that the division operates for Alabama Medicaid.
An individual wishing to apply for Medicaid Waiver services may do so by calling our Call Center at 1-800-361-4491 to start the process. How the application process works.
Each year, the division has a certain number of qualified individuals that it can serve on each of the Medicaid Waivers that it operates.
- If you apply for waiver services and are determined eligible, but the waiver that can meet your needs is full, you will be placed on a waiting list.
- The division is responsible for managing the waiting list according to written policies.
- When a waiver has openings, the division follows its policies for that waiver to identify who on the waiting list will be contacted and offered an available opening.
- If you are offered an available opening and you accept it, eligibility (including financial eligibility) will be reconfirmed and the enrollment process will begin.
- Once you are enrolled in a waiver, your services will continue as long as you continue to be eligible for the waiver, which includes continuing to maintain financial eligibility and continuing to have needs that make you eligible for waiver services.
Each Medicaid Waiver operated by the division has a variety of services available. Services available in a specific Medicaid Waiver are authorized based on individual needs and through a person-centered planning process. This chart summarizes the services, criteria, and how to apply for all Medicaid waivers. Regardless of the Medicaid Waiver in which someone is enrolled, no services are authorized if there is not an assessed need for the service.
What are the Medicaid Waivers operated by the division?
Intellectual Disabilities Waiver Fact Sheet
Living at Home Waiver Fact Sheet
Do you already receive services from us?
Please contact your support coordinator/case manager or our Office of Support Coordination: 334-242-3704
Would you like to apply for waiver services?
Call our Call Center at 1-800-361-4491 to start the process. How the application process works.
Are there other resources in Alabama?
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Children's Rehabilitation Service
Alabama Medicaid Agency, EPSDT - Well Child Check-Up Program
Alabama State Department of Education, Special Education Services
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Service
Alabama Community College System, Adult Education
Alabama Department of Senior Services, Aging & Disability Resource Centers
Call Center