Developmental Disabilities (DD) provides a comprehensive array of services and supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families in the state through contractual arrangements with community agencies, five regional community services offices, and three comprehensive support service teams that assist with behavioral, medical, psychiatric and dental services and supports. The DD Central Office Staff provides oversight and support in planning, service coordination, service delivery, fiscal operations, contracts, eligibility, monitoring/quality enhancement of services, and the monitoring and certification of all community agencies that provide services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. A DD Coordinating Subcommittee, comprised of consumers, families, service providers, and other leaders in the field, assists the division in setting and prioritizing service goals based upon the needs of individuals and budgetary considerations.
By 2022, the Alabama Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities, along with Alabama Medicaid, is required to fully implement the Home and Community-Based Settings Rule. The final Home and Community-Based Services regulations set forth new requirements under which states may provide home and community-based long-term services and supports. To learn more, please visit the HCBS page.
The Office of Administrative & Fiscal Operations is responsible for providing fiscal and technical assistance to the division in matters such as budgeting, revenue projections, contracts, and purchasing. Because of the complex regulations and need for accountability, the assistance provided by AFO is invaluable to individuals, family members, and the department.
The Office of Psychological & Behavioral Services was established to provide education, training, and professional support to community providers. Three regionally-based comprehensive support services teams provide medical and psychological care for individuals with special needs. PBS coordinates the implementation, training, and monitoring of behavioral and psychological services in the community agencies.
The Office of Quality & Planning is responsible for ensuring that optimally safe, efficient, and effective care is provided by community agencies. Certification staff require that program standards are maintained. Quality Assurance staff are responsible for ongoing data collection and analysis for the purposes of improving programs, services, and processes; and provide training and technical assistance to community provider organizations.
The Office of Self-Advocacy Services is directed by a peer who is able to provide leadership and support in self-advocacy and self-determination initiatives statewide. The office also encourages individuals to participate in civic activities and become contributing citizens in their communities.
The Office of Support Coordination (formerly referred to as case management) provides leadership and focus in the implementation of a statewide service coordination system for the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Activities of this office provide guidance to 310 Boards located throughout the state to ensure initial and ongoing coordination of appropriate and integrated waiver services based upon each individual’s level of care and assessed needs. This office also manages the DMH Call Center, the point of contact for initial screening and referral to determine eligibility for placement on the waiting list for waiver-funded supports and services.
The Office of Supported Employment plans and coordinates all initiatives that address expanding employment opportunities to consumers served through the division, including training and technical assistance. The office also writes and manages grants that fund employment pilot projects throughout the state, and takes the lead in expanding collaboration with other state agencies and organizations so individuals are more successful at obtaining and maintaining competitive employment.
The Office of System Transition & Waiver Development is responsible for managing the Community Waiver Program. The program provides services to Alabamians with intellectual disabilities and their families who are not in crisis but want and need services to avoid a crisis. The Program supports people to assist them in reaching their full potential. This includes supporting them to learn to do things for themselves, participate in their community, find opportunities to work doing a job that matches their skills and interests, and ensure supports to sustain their current living arrangement whenever possible.
The Office of Systems Management and Waivers was established to oversee and promote the development and use of the Alabama Division of Intellectual Disabilities Services Information System within the division and community providers. ADIDIS provides more efficient tracking of billing, ensures compliance with contracts and standards, and provides valuable data for future planning. ADIDIS also provides technical assistance to support division action on a wide range of topics including the waiting list, outcomes measurement, and supportive employment for consumers. In addition, ADIDIS manages the coordination of child and adolescent services. This office is also responsible for the renewal of the ID and LAH waivers and any needed amendments.
The Office of Waiver Appeals maintains and tracks data related to an individual’s complaints and grievances about services offered within the division. Complaints and grievances are logged and sent to the appropriate staff for review and resolution. The office also provides an opportunity for individuals with intellectual disabilities either applying to or enrolled in one of Alabama’s Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs to exercise their right to appeal.

Kathy Sawyer, Associate Commissioner
Email the DD Division:
Coordinating Subcommittee
Meetings are for voting members and are held on the third Tuesday from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
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Provider Operational Guidelines Manual
Administrative Code 580-5-30 all revisions | Find more at Certification Administration
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