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You can also use the search box to find items, just type in part of the name or a category and the library will start sorting immediately.
If you see a category on the right side that the item would fit in, click on the category and the library will show all of the items in that category. For example: Form.

Category suggestions: application, autism, brochure, catalog, flyer, form, developmental disabilities, grant, mental illness, newsletter, nurse delegation program, paper, prevention, report, substance use disorder, tip sheet, training

Document NameCategories
42CFR and HIPAA Approved Release
988 Report Card
ABALB Application for Licensure and Instructions,
ABALB Member Application and Instructions,
Acute Pain,
ADMH Audit Guidelines
ADMH Branding
ADMH Early Childhood Programs
ADMH Maps, ,
Adolescent Placement Assessment and Optional Guide Planning
Adult Placement Assessment and Optional Guide Planning
AIACC Documents
Alabama Institute for Recovery
Alabama Opioid Overdose and Addiction Council Report February 2018, ,
Alabama Project LAUNCH
Alabama Recovery Residents Collaborative,
Alabama State Suicide Prevention Plan
Alabama Statewide Peer Support Conference
Alabama Substance Abuse Block Grant Prevention Annual Report,
Alteration in Bowel Elimination/Constipation,
Alteration in Bowel Elimination/Diarrhea,
Annual Prevention Plan Monitoring Form,
Appendix K Overview for Providers
Application for Waiver Services Flyer,
ASAIS Clinical Training
Assessment Tool for Certification Reviews
At a Glance
Autism Client Application
Autism Diagnostic Tool for Healthcare Providers
Autism Provider Applications,
Autism Services Flyers,
Automated Certification System,
Behavioral Services Guidelines
Blank Plan of Care,
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Budget Reports for Fiscal Managers,
Capitol Showcase 2019
Case Manager Progress Notes Webinar,
Certification Application,
Certification Checklist for MH/SA
Certification Frequently Asked Questions, , ,
Certification Requirements Webinar
Certification Score Sheet,
Certification Site Review Performance Feedback
Certification Site Review Satisfaction Survey
Certified Peer Specialist Training Application,
Certified Recovery Support Specialist Training Application,
Change of Shift Controlled Substance Count Sheet,
Changing the Course booklets
Client Self-Administration Assessment Form,
Closeout Reports for Prevention Grants,
Comprehensive Mortality Review,
Consent for Dual Enrollment Prevention Check,
Controlled Substance Sign Out Sheet,
COVID-19 Information By and For People with Disabilities
Cradle to Prison Pipeline
Crisis Center Report Card
CSS Training- Data Collection and Baseline,
DD Provider Certification Process Guidance Manual,
DD Stakeholder Transition Plan Task Force Meeting Summaries,
DD Subcommittee Meeting Minutes,
Deaf People and Mental Illness,
Decrease Cardiac Output/Increased Vascular Resistance (Hypertension),
Delegation Form,
Disaster Resources, ,
Dissatisfaction of Services and Instructions
Disturbed Thought Process,
Do You Know Your Rights?
Electronic Data Interchange Registration
Fatal Five,
Federal Medicaid HCBS Settings Rule Training,
Freedom of Choice
HCBS Residential Setting Self-Assessments
HCBS Residential Setting Validation Tools
Health Care Practitioner Visit Form,
Health Hazard/Risk for Falls,
Home & Community Based Services Settings Rules,
ID and LAH Waiver Rates
ID/LAH Wavier Support Coordinator Data Collection to Support Evaluation ADIDIS Tutorial,
Imbalanced Nutrition/Less than Body Requirements (Underweight),
Imbalanced Nutrition/More than Body Requirements (Overweight),
Impaired Urinary Elimination/ Incontinence,
Incident Prevention & Management System Manual (IPMS)
Individual Experience Assessment Survey
Individual/Family History,
Individual/Family Profile,
Individual/Family-Centered Assessment and Case Management Plan for Adults and Children,
Individualized Residential Budgeting Instrument (IRBI) and Instructions
Ineffective Mood Regulation/Bipolar,
Intervention Work Plans
Inventory of Administrative Code Chapter 580
IPS Brochure,
Land Inquiries Form
Level 2 or Level 3 Medication Error Form and Instructions,
Licensure Verification Form,
MAC Annual Supervision Form,
MAC Certificate
MAC Worker Call Log and Instructions,
MAC Worker Decertification Form,
MAC Worker Skills Verification Check List,
MAC Worker Training Log,
MAS Nurse Call Log,
MAS Nurse Training Log,
MAS/MATT Meeting Minutes, ,
MATT Training Log,
Media Guide
Medicaid Credentialing Protocol,
Medicaid Performing Provider Application,
Medication Administration Training Audit,
Medication Destruction Record,
Mental Health Block Grant,
Mobile Crisis Teams Report Card
Monitoring Review Checklist for Providers
NDP Archive Information
Notice of FFCRA Exemption with Letter from Commissioner Beshear
Notification of Right to Free Language Assistance,
Observation of Direct Prevention Staff Form,
Off-Site Custody of Medications,
Organizational Chart
PATH Grant Applications, ,
Peer Support Services brochure
Peer-Reviewed Articles Written by ODS Staff, ,
Performance Improvement and Program Evaluation Form, ,
Performance Improvement Feedback Survey,
Person First Language for Reducing Stigma,
Person-Centered Planning Training, ,
Plan of Care and Instructions,
Prevention Activity Sheet and Instructions
Prevention Budget Request Template
Prevention Plan Template
Process Evaluation,
Progress of CWP Forum
Proof of Supervision Form,
PROPOSED CHANGE to Code of Alabama 580-9-44-29 LeveI-0 Opioid Maintenance Therapy,
Prospective Community Provider, ,
Provider Operational Guidelines Manual
Public Records Request Form,
Quality Enhancement Training Evaluation Form, ,
Region I
Regional Office Request for Action,
Request for Action, ,
Request for Name or Contact Information Change
Request for Prevention Plan Amendment and Guidelines
Residential Staffing Tool
Revised Criticality Summary Webinar,
Rights for Individuals Receiving Developmental Disability Services
Rights for Individuals Receiving Mental Health or Substance Use Treatment,
Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity,
Risk for Unstable Blood Glucose Level (Hyper/Hypoglycemia),
RN Assessment
School-Based Mental Health Flyer,
Self-Directed Services Handbooks
Self-Directed Services Training Transcripts
SME, SMS, and EAA Application,
SPAB/AEOW Quarterly Minutes, ,
Specialized Medical Supplies Procedures,
Statewide Survey,
Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs Annual Report
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant,
Substance Dependence/Use,
Substance Use Contract Billing Manual
Substance Use Services Planning Regions Map
Summary Program of Habilitation Form and Instructions, ,
SUN-R Service Utilization Needs Assessment-Revised,
SYNAR Reports,
Tele-Modalities for Delivering Forensic Services,
The Advocator
THSMF Family Times
Tips and Resources for Providers,
Waiver Provider Application and Manual, ,
Waiver Service Definitions,
Waivers for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Training,
Words Matter_How Language Choice Affects Stigma,