The Division of Administration provides vital support services for the department's facilities and central office staff.

The Bureau of Finance includes the following sections: Accounts Payable, Accounting Operations, Contracts & Purchasing, Contracts & Grants, Budgets, and Compensation Services. Finance coordinates and provides centralized accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, purchasing, vendor payments, and contract and grant financial management.

The Bureau of Human Resources Management provides centralized personnel services, including coordinating the implementation of the recruitment plan, personnel policies and procedures, wage and class studies and much more. HR assesses personnel needs and actively recruits the most qualified and professional workforce available in order to provide quality care to consumers. To encourage staff development, HR coordinates, offers, and supports a wide range of continuing education and organized training programs including compliance training for community programs and prospective community providers.

ADMH is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications will be accepted and appointments made on an equal opportunity basis without regard to gender, race, age, religion, disability, or color.

The Bureau of Information Technology Services provides technical support for ADMH information systems, including consumer information systems for the state hospitals and community programs for mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual disabilities. It also manages all IT equipment including mobile devices, computers, and printers; computer software; voice communication systems, and video surveillance. Its focus is to ensure access to timely data that can be used in decision-making and bringing the best and most cost-effective technological solutions to all areas of ADMH.

The Office of Administrative Support Services coordinates departmental printing, mail, property inventory, and distribution of office supplies. It includes the Document Services Center, Printing, Mailroom, and Property Management.

The Office of Certification Administration is responsible for the certification of all community facilities providing services to ADMH consumers in Alabama.

The Office of Land & Asset Management supervises the department’s diverse range of real estate holdings across the state, attempts to maximize the use of these resources, and oversees renovations/construction at its facilities.

The Office of Life Safety & Technical Services is responsible for inspecting and certifying all community facilities and providing technical assistance for code compliance for all renovations or new construction projects for facilities that are already certified or will be seeking certification from the department.

The Nurse Delegation Program (NDP) was created to ensure that community providers receive the training and support necessary to meet any standards set by the ADMH Divisional Offices of Certification that relate to nurse delegation.

The Office of Pre-Admission Screening is responsible for maintaining a system to regulate the screening of prospective nursing home residents. It also ensures the appropriate placement of individuals who have serious mental illnesses and/or intellectual disabilities.

The Office of Policy & Planning coordinates the department’s strategic planning process and directs other initiatives on behalf of the department to include the review of Central Office policies. It partners with organizations and stakeholders to leverage resources through the pursuit of grants, and the office develops and distributes public education and anti-stigma resources and information.

Associate Commissioner LaVonda Blair

LaVonda Blair, Associate Commissioner


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