• Standing Order for Naloxone
    HB208 was signed into law in 2015 and provided immunity for prescribing and administering an opioid antagonist, such as naloxone. This is commonly known as a “Good Samaritan Law”. In 2016, HB379 was signed into law, providing the State Health Officer or a county health officer the authority to write a standing order for dispensing naloxone.
  • Individual/family/friend request for free Naloxone (Narcan) Nasal Spray
    To receive your free Narcan kit, you will need to complete an online training Naloxone Training. After completing the training your kit will be mailed to you at the address you provide.
    To access the training:  https://www.jcdh.org/SitePages/Programs-Services/CommunityHealth/SubstanceUseandAddiction/NaloxoneTrainingReg.aspx
  • First Responders (Law enforcement, Fire Departments, Volunteer Fire Departments, etc.) request for Naloxone (Narcan) Nasal Spray
    If you are an agency that responds to emergencies involving individuals who may be at risk of experiencing an opioid-related overdose or to an emergency that may place the first responder at risk for exposure to opioids there are several steps that must be completed prior to receiving Narcan. Email narcanadmh@mh.alabama.gov

    1. Before receiving Narcan, you will need to complete the Narcan Law Enforcement Roll Call video training module. In this training module, you will learn:
      • How to identify an opioid overdose and check for a response.
      • Proper administration of Narcan Nasal Spray.
      • How to place a patient in the recovery position until emergency medical assistance arrives.

      To access the training module: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkWXX5DPmpg&t=45s

    2. Review and print the Standing Order of the State Health Officer Naloxone Distribution for Overdose Prevention
    3. Please download the Naloxone Agency Form, complete it, and send it in via email: fillable PDF or Word doc.
    4. For replacement kits, you will need to submit the following information to opioidcrisis@adph.state.al.us
      • Date/Time used
      • Age/Race of recipient
      • Nonfatal or fatal results
      • Name and phone number of the person requesting the replacement
Naloxone – Narcan Nasal Spray