My name is Gregory and I attend the Montgomery ARC Adult Training Center via The Montgomery Hanan Center. I have exhibited a strong desire to express myself through arts and crafts. I choose to share this unique peace in which I named “Rainbow Dark Cloud”. This peace is especially precious to me being that I created this picture with my deceased grandmother, Uncle Jr. and my loving Aunt Karen on in mind. As a young man I was diagnosed with down syndrome; however, I am quit resilient and focused on living my life to the fullest and to the best of my ability. For me with the recent loss of my family members I’ve found a refuge in art. This picture represents my life storms and my strong efforts to be a bright and glowing rainbow so that my family can see me shine. “Rainbow Dark Cloud” represents what I feel when I think of the people who I’ve lost that are now with the Lord.

A Rainbow after the Dark Clouds

57 – A Rainbow after the Dark Clouds
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