

I drew this because I always wanted to fly a fighter plane. Johnathan Dream $15 Is this one your favorite? Cast your vote for the Best in Show: https://forms.gle/yzozWXf4mj5mnpkw5

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I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and anxiety. They affect my life in several ways, such as through rituals and routines that are attached to every task I attempt. I like art because it is a great escape. Focusing on art

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Rolling in the Sunset

Rolling in the Sunset

I have bipolar disorder, and I have encountered many challenges because of my mental illness. My recovery plan is to continue to go to my Day Treatment and get the help that I need. I have come a long way

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Good to be…

Good to be…

I overdosed on LSD when I was 21. I have been in mental health facilities since then. It has been difficult for me to achieve in society ever since, but I am doing better every day! Yoga and spiritual studies

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When I was 37, about 4 years ago, I started having problems with mental illness and substance use. I recently got into a day treatment program. I use art almost every day to occupy my time. In the past, I

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My name is Thomas. I have been coming to Riverbend for around twelve years. Taking medicine has helped me take better care of myself. Occasionally, I do art. It is a good coping skill for me. I chose to draw

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Sunshine Flowers

Sunshine Flowers

I have schizoaffective disorder. I have encountered many obstacles in my life: shyness, feeling awkward, loneliness, not feeling good enough, and not being accepted by others. I have times of loneliness and feel devastated. I love to do any kind

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I have Marfan’s Syndrome and paranoid schizophrenia.  I experience many symptoms from both illnesses, but I am glad to be in residential housing and maintaining stability with their assistance. I enjoy drawing because it helps decrease symptoms. When I draw

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In 2003, I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I have learned coping skills, the importance of taking medications, and developed a strong support system. Art helps me relax. I enjoy participating in this every year and showing others throughout Alabama

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