Chameleon Fish

Chameleon Fish

I was born three months prematurely and raised in Mobile. I have always had to work much harder to overcome my multiple disabilities, which caused my mental illness. I have always enjoyed creating new artwork, first as a hobby, then

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Hacky Sack

Hacky Sack

I was very good at basketball in high school. I did not get to play in college because I started having symptoms. I was working part-time and living with my parents. I now live in my own apartment, but it

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Art is a good way to express myself. I took art for three years. My last class was AP Art. When in high school I was shy. The art classes helped me reach out to others and brighten my spirits.

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Banana Man

Banana Man

I like to be called an Artist. I attend The Montgomery ARC Burgess Center. I have a diagnosis of intellectual disability. My disability does not refrain me from doing the thing I love most and that is art. I enjoy

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Red Flowers

Red Flowers

I started doing art in the first and second grades. Colors inspired me to do art. I have paranoid schizophrenia. It does not define me. Doing art makes me feel blessed and shows my ability. I feel great, awesome and

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I was the captain of my high school football team and was on track to play football in college. After graduation, I had a rude awakening. All my friends left and went different ways. I moved into my own apartment

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