65 – Bouncing Ball

65 – Bouncing Ball

I’ve faced many obstacles, one is which is severe clinical depression. Another is dealing with schizoaffective disorder. Prayer and my faith in Jesus have been how I’ve gotten through all of my many hospitalizations and episodes. I’ve always been interested in

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3 – The Beautiful Day

3 – The Beautiful Day

I attend a training center in Millbrook, AL. My hobbies included talking on the phone, playing x-box, exploring in the woods and watching movies. I volunteer at the W.E.L.C.O.M.E Center in Millbrook, AL and I also volunteer at Prattville Health

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39 – Power

39 – Power

My name is Willie and I drew this picture for power. I wanted to show that we have power and that we are good people. The people who helped me are good people. I have been at ADS a long

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30 – Untitled

30 – Untitled

My name is Patricia and I live with my mother. I enjoy helping others, my favorite activity is attending the day program at Vivian B. Adams School. I’m diagnosed with having an intellectual disability. Because of that I push myself

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69 – Cute as a Button

69 – Cute as a Button

For most of my life I have dealt with the diagnosis of ataxia. This has affected my mobility and other physical movements. Recently, I had to have surgery on my spinal cord and it has been a long journey to

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42 – The Picture Boy

42 – The Picture Boy

My name is Chasie, the obstacles I have overcome are being angry so quickly. Art makes me feel quite and focused and helps me to think about positive things. It helps me stay focused on good things instead of negative

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43 – Journey to Recovery

43 – Journey to Recovery

My name is Andre and I have a mental illness diagnosis of schizophrenia. It has been hereditary throughout my family for years. Therefore, I’ve been taking day after day. I am a volunteer on the work crew at Adult Day Services

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