Member Information

Governor Kay Ivey - Chair
Appointment: by statute
Qualifications: Ex officio

Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter
Appointment: by statute
Qualifications: Ex officio

Appointment: by governor;

Represents the 1st Congressional District

Leslie Sanders
Appointment: by governor;
09/11/18 - 04/10/27
Represents the 2nd Congressional District

Christopher Hughes
Appointment: by governor;
07/16/19 - 04/10/25
Represents the 3rd Congressional District

Donna Foster
Appointment: by governor;
09/18/24 - 04/10/27
Represents the 4th Congressional District

Appointment: by governor;

Qualifications: Represents the 5th Congressional District

Judge Sherrie Friday
Appointment: by governor;
06/30/20 - 04/10/26
Represents the 6th Congressional District

Colin Harris
Appointment: by governor;
09/18/24 - 04/10/27
Represents the 7th Congressional District

Lt. Governor - Will Ainsworth
Appointment: by statute
Qualifications: Ex officio

Commissioner Kimberly Boswell - Secretary
Appointment: by statute
Qualifications: Ex officio

Larry Bailey
Appointment: by governor;
07/16/19 - 04/10/25
Represents the state at large

Rodney Barnes
Appointment: by governor;
04/11/20 - 04/10/26
Represents the state at large

Cynthia Bisbee, Ph.D.
Appointment: by governor;
02/26/21 - 04/10/25
Represents the state at large

William P. Cobb
Appointment: by governor;
04/11/20 - 04/10/26
Represents the state at large

Appointment: by governor;

Represents the state at large

The members of the Alabama Department of Mental Health Advisory Board of Trustees are appointed by the governor and serve terms on a staggered basis. The board advises the Commissioner of the department on issues that fall within the purview of the department's mission. The board meets quarterly.

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Board of Trustees List