Moonlight Romance

Moonlight Romance

The mental illness and disabilities I have are autism, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, ADHD, OCD, and anxiety disorder. The challenges I have overcome were some tough challenges. I learned how to cope with my hallucinations using my art to distract

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I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and depression. My medications have helped me overcome my anxiety and depression. I still struggle with OCD tendencies. I live in the community with my family so that helps me to be more independent. I

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Holy Day

Holy Day

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at about 20 years old, so I’ve dealt with it my whole life. I have been in the hospital too many times to count. I am now in a group home and still have trouble

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The Empty Face

The Empty Face

I have faced racial discrimination. I have a Traumatic Brain Injury from a boating accident when I was little. I also suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have overcome eating disorders and body dysphoria. I believe being an artist runs

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Hop Into Spring

Hop Into Spring

I have been an artist most of my life. As early as I can remember, I practiced until I could draw anything. My struggles in my life have been surviving from abuse and living with schizophrenia and depression. The drawing

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I have faced many obstacles in my life. I know my mental illness is bipolar disorder now. I have had to face a lot of challenges because of my mental illness. My recovery plan Is to continue to go to

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Babyboy and Lullaby

Babyboy and Lullaby

I struggle with bipolar depression. I’m writing this to tell you about how my artwork has helped me overcome my diagnosis. To start off I began drawing when I was 2 years old. Amazing right? It took me a lot

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Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee

The reason I enjoy drawing artwork is that it makes a difference to me. I feel I can explore through my mind, it releases stress, and removes all the negative thinking from my mind. Most of all, it makes me

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Three Crosses

Three Crosses

I have bipolar disorder. Right now, I am stable, and my life stays the same from day to day. It seems like sometimes when I am doing well, people find faults in me. I live in a group home but

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