Historically, there are two different federal programs that support CCBHCs, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) CCBHC Demonstration and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration CCBHC Expansion Grant (discretionary grant awards).
SAMHSA CCBHC Expansion Grants – CCBHC Expansion Awardees are funded for generally a grant period of two years, and funded directly by SAMHSA to their local CMHCs through self-attestation that the awarded clinic meets the baseline CCBHC criteria. States do not have any direct role in these grants.
CMS CCBHC Demonstration – CCBHCs are funded by using a Prospective Payment System rate for qualifying services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries. States are responsible for oversight of the demonstration program which includes CCBHC certification, payment to the CCBHCs and development of PPS rates, and compliance with federal reporting requirements.