115 Harper Court Tuscaloosa 35401
Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center is responsible for the provision of inpatient psychiatric services for citizens aged 65 and older throughout the state. The Harper Center was established in 1996.
Sonja Rawls, Facility Director
Careers at the Harper Center
Documents for Download
Visiting Hours
Daily: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Patient’s family and friends are encouraged to visit often, as long as it does not interfere with a patient’s treatment and care. Visitors must obtain a pass from the Mary Starke Harper Administrative office staff from 8:00-4:30 Monday – Friday and from the Staffing Office Personnel at all other hours. A visitor’s pass must be obtained for each visit. Please refer to page 39 of handbook for visitor slip information that you will be asked to complete each time at visitation.
Patients have the right to refuse to see anyone who comes to visit. Please do not give food to patient without checking with a nursing staff member. “No food items will be accepted for storage on the Unit. Food items brought must be consumed during visit”. Visitor's actions are expected to be conducted in a responsible manner and at all times to respect the rights of other patients and visitors.
Treatment Programs
Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center offers a variety of treatment and recovery services. These include but are not limited to:
Activities of Daily Living
Community Placement Services
Dietary / Nutritional Counseling
Group Therapy
Individual Therapy / Counseling
Language Interpretation Services including ASL
Medication and Medication Counseling
Mental Illness / Alcohol / Drug Abuse Groups (MICA)
Music Therapy
Pastoral Counseling
Patient Education & Recovery Programs
Peer Support
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Recreational Therapy & Opportunities for Recreation / Leisure
Speech & Hearing Services