A Certified 310 Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) interested in becoming a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) must provide comprehensive and coordinated behavioral health services regardless of a person’s ability to pay, place of residence, or age. CCBHCs are federally required to provide nine comprehensive behavioral health services, including 24/7 mobile crisis response and medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders directly or through a Designated Collaborating Organization (DCO).

Providers seeking to participate in the demonstration must agree to meet all reporting timelines, certification, and operational requirements as determined by the Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH) and the Updated SAMHSA Criteria. Providers must be prepared to submit a Cost Report as well as a Community Needs Assessment (CNA).

To become a CCBHC under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) CCBHC Demonstration in Alabama CCBHCs must complete the certification process. Potential CCBHCs must upload supporting documentation verifying that can substantially meet the CCBHC criteria. CCBHC certification is valid for three years unless the CCBHC is found to be in violation of terms of the criteria and/or certification program-specific standards in which corrective actions, including decertification, may occur.

Steps to Becoming a CCBHC
If you are interested in learning more: What Is a CCBHC?