The Office of Support Coordination (formerly referred to as Case Management) provides leadership and focus in the implementation of a statewide service coordination system for the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Activities of this office provide guidance to 310 Boards located throughout the state to ensure initial and ongoing coordination of appropriate and integrated waiver services based upon each individual’s level of care and assessed needs.

This office includes activities of Person-Centered Planning and manages the ADMH Call Center, the point of contact for initial screening and referral to determine eligibility for placement on the waiting list for waiver-funded supports and services.

By 2025, Alabamians receiving supports through the ADMH-DD waivers will be engaged and empowered to build a plan and vision for their own life within the communities they live. This will occur through an easily facilitated approach to Person-Centered Planning where individuals have a voice, are informed of all possibilities, and experience dignity of risk as they reach their life goals.

Guiding Principles

Collaboration – ADMH-DD ensures everyone has an equal voice and shared responsibility through collaboration with all internal and external stakeholders, leading to better outcomes for all.

Innovation – ADMH-DD actively seeks out creative solutions and support an environment where all stakeholders are empowered to build new and bold practices.

Transparency – ADMH-DD commits to proactively sharing the vision, goals, approaches, through clear and concise information with all stakeholders affected by our decisions and actions.

Integrity – ADMH-DD aligns the vision, goals, and approaches; and continually seek out honest evaluations of how programs being administered are impacting the lives of Alabamians and the communities in which they live. ADMH-DD ensures all actions align with our communication.

Relationships – ADMH-DD commits to building a foundation of trust through shared understanding and mutual respect.

Primary ActivityAction
Share central vision, key values, and milestones1. Notify individuals supported, their families, and provider agencies of transformation, reasons for transformation, timeline, and what to expect (how it will impact them)
2. Present at department meetings, advisory groups, and concurrent project meetings
3. Develop and share resource information and distribute on internal and external communication sites
4. Update internal communication sites (intranet) to mirror presentation information
5. Update external communication sites (website and social media) to mirror presentation information, promote upcoming milestones, and celebrate milestone achievements
6. Seek out and identify communication partners (advocate groups, community organizations, schools, churches, legislators, etc.)
Elicit feedback1. Develop process for feedback evaluation
2. Develop listing of advisory and other stakeholder groups to inform and gather ongoing feedback
3. Identify steering committee to review engagement results and inform ongoing program development
Provide transformation updates1. Develop space on internal and external communication sites to share updates
2. Develop process to collect and package individual success stories
3. Develop process to fold success stories into ongoing program development