1301 Jack Warner Parkway Northeast Tuscaloosa 35404
Taylor Hardin Secure Medical Facility is responsible for providing comprehensive psychiatric evaluation/treatment to the criminally committed throughout the state and forensic evaluations to the Criminal Courts for the state of Alabama. It is the only maximum security forensic facility operated by the ADMH. Taylor Hardin was established in 1981.
Daphne Kendrick, Facility Director
Careers at THSMF
Documents for Download
Visiting Hours
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Your private lawyer, physician, minister or health professional may visit at any reasonable time. Your family members may visit during regularly published visiting hours unless restricted in writing by your physician. Due to security reasons, regular visitors must be members of your immediate family - parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters, spouse/domestic partner, legal guardian, or children fourteen (14) years of age or older. Special exceptions may be made only with the permission of the facility director or someone acting on their behalf. Contact your social worker to discuss any special visit requests including any decision to remove an individual from your visitation list.
Treatment Programs
Taylor Hardin Secure Medical Facility offers a variety of treatment and recovery services. These include but are not limited to:
Activities of Daily Living
Community Placement Services
Dietary / Nutritional Counseling
Group Therapy
Individual Therapy / Counseling
Language Interpretation Services including ASL
Medication and Medication Counseling
Mental Illness / Alcohol / Drug Abuse Groups (MICA)
Music Therapy
Pastoral Counseling
Patient Education & Recovery Programs
Peer Support
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Recreational Therapy & Opportunities for Recreation / Leisure
Speech & Hearing Services
Complaint Procedures
If you feel your rights, as outlined in this handbook, have been violated and you have not been able to resolve the problem through discussion with staff members, you should follow these guidelines:
- Contact your advocate or the ADMH Office of Rights Protection & Advocacy Services at 1-800-367-0955
- Explain to the advocate which right you feel was violated and give the full details of the incident.
- After the advocate has completed his/her investigation, the advocate will discuss his/her findings with you so that you can decide if you want to go any further with your complaint. You may appeal an advocate’s findings to the ADMH Office of Rights Protection & Advocacy Services.
- If violations of your rights continue, notify your advocate.
- Patient abuse complaints should be reported to THSMF Security Services by asking for an officer to be called.
Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program: 1-800-826-1675
Tuscaloosa County Department of Human Resources: 205-562-6100
Note: If you wish to use an attorney of your choice to take other legal actions about your complaint, you may do so without fear of harm, discharge, etc.
If you or your family has a complaint related to safety or quality of care, we encourage you to immediately notify a THSMF staff member (treatment team member, police officer, administration, etc.) so that we can review the issue. However, if you choose, you may report complaints in these areas to The Joint Commission.