

When I was in prison I started doing art. It made me feel outstanding and showed my abilities. My art Is helping me. The equation of five As helps me out and keeps me going forward. It helped me to

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The Simple Life

The Simple Life

I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. It disrupts my life in many ways. Since starting my medication things have improved greatly. I hope to get back to working soon. I don’t have any formal training as an artist, I’m only self-taught. My

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Biden and Harris

Biden and Harris

I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type about 24 years ago. I lost my wife to bipolar disorder several years ago, and I think about her every day. I have been in a state hospital, but I am now

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Chameleon Fish

Chameleon Fish

I was born three months prematurely and raised in Mobile. I have always had to work much harder to overcome my multiple disabilities, which caused my mental illness. I have always enjoyed creating new artwork, first as a hobby, then

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Hacky Sack

Hacky Sack

I was very good at basketball in high school. I did not get to play in college because I started having symptoms. I was working part-time and living with my parents. I now live in my own apartment, but it

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Art is a good way to express myself. I took art for three years. My last class was AP Art. When in high school I was shy. The art classes helped me reach out to others and brighten my spirits.

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Banana Man

Banana Man

I like to be called an Artist. I attend The Montgomery ARC Burgess Center. I have a diagnosis of intellectual disability. My disability does not refrain me from doing the thing I love most and that is art. I enjoy

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Red Flowers

Red Flowers

I started doing art in the first and second grades. Colors inspired me to do art. I have paranoid schizophrenia. It does not define me. Doing art makes me feel blessed and shows my ability. I feel great, awesome and

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I was the captain of my high school football team and was on track to play football in college. After graduation, I had a rude awakening. All my friends left and went different ways. I moved into my own apartment

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