73 – Fire & Ice

73 – Fire & Ice

I currently live in a group home in Jackson and attend The Arc of Clarke County day rehabilitation program where I enjoy my very own art supplies. I am part of a new group which I am growing to enjoy.

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78 – What Box is What?

78 – What Box is What?

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder several years ago after suffering through a difficult divorce. It seems I have struggled through life for a while enduring the loss of loved ones and even jail time. Through all this I discovered

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90 – Pitcher

90 – Pitcher

I have schizoaffective disorder and I am 49 years old. I see and hear things. I come to Riverbend to help me cope with my illness and I also keep up with my medications so that I can remain stable.

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77 – Red A

77 – Red A

I have been diagnosed with having schizoaffective disorder. I was hurt at a young age and I’ve dealt with a lot of forgetfulness with my illness. I have faced many obstacles in my life including dealing with shyness feeling awkward,

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20 – Untitled

20 – Untitled

My name is Kimberly. I have worked very hard to be less dependent on others. I am working on feeding myself and becoming more aware of my surroundings, people and events. I take art lessons and classes in the Art

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