97 – Inspiring

97 – Inspiring

I have faced many obstacles in my life such as getting divorced, having a car accident, and especially being diagnosed with mental illness. I have a diagnosis of bipolar-disorder with depressive episodes. I have found that by using art as therapy,

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16 – Untitled

16 – Untitled

My name is Amber. I attend Vivian B. Adams School. I am quiet and reserved and enjoy the friends I have at school. I work every day on life skills to help me become more independent. I learned about art

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110 –

I am Henry and both my brother and I attend the Cahaba Center and live at the group home. I work with the Van Crew at the Center and my brother just started a job this week. We have wanted

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14 – Hands

14 – Hands

One of the challenges I face is having an intellectual functioning disability. Despite my challenges, I love to learn new things, especially math. I like to share my knowledge and interact with my peers and I enjoy meeting new people.

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5 – Wish You Were Here

5 – Wish You Were Here

My name is Tamara, and I’m 47 years old, I attend Azalea Training Center in Millbrook, AL. My hobbies are adult coloring, and participating in other arts and crafts projects. I love doing word search puzzles and volunteering at AICC

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86 – Heavenly Rooms

86 – Heavenly Rooms

My name is Clark. I overdosed on LSD in 1991 and since then I’ve been in Mental Health Centers ever since. My diagnosis is bipolar disorder with mania. I found a miracle drug, Abilify, around seven years ago. The medication

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101 – Evil Eye

101 – Evil Eye

Hello, I have schizophrenia and anxiety that sometimes throws me for a curve. To help me cope with my illness I enjoy working on word find puzzles, journaling and watching television.  Linda Evil Eye $10    

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