Life of a Bishop

Life of a Bishop

I have been in two comas. I have had to learn how to walk and talk again. Art has helped me learn to express myself. Art helps me with my anger without being violent. It helps me show myself good

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Let Me Be Goofy

Let Me Be Goofy

I was born and raised in the state of Alabama. I love to draw. It helps me cope and to ease my mind of things such as arguing with someone. I go and draw. That helps a lot, and my

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A Warrior’s Time

A Warrior’s Time

I am a mental health patent. My diagnosis is schizophrenia. I have been with East Alabama Mental Health Center since 2004. I am a high school graduate from Opelika High Class of 2002. I was born overseas in Nuremburg, Bavaria,

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My Room

My Room

My teacher in the seventh grade taught me to do art. I have a friend at Adult Day Services that helps me with my art. Art calms me down. Art helps me think more positively. The workshop helps me with

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First Street

First Street

My name is Ronald. I was born in October 1954 in Hillman Hospital in Birmingham. My mental illness is depression and paranoid schizophrenia. I was diagnosed in 1982 at the age of 28. I am now in recovery and hope

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The Basket

The Basket

In my life, I enjoy doing art. I am self-taught. At the age of 13 years, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Art and journaling are comforting and help me to express what I am thinking. My mother and siblings

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The Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge

My name is Roy. I fought in the Vietnam War. My illness is PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). After returning from the war, I was very depressed and angry. As a young man, I did not understand why I felt the

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Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle

I have been taken advantage of or treated unfairly with less opportunities and academic problems that were hard. Getting a high school diploma came later with help from other people (learning to say, “NO” in my life). I have always

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Spring Flower

Spring Flower

My name is Wyvetta, and I have been diagnosed with an intellectual disability. I did not have formal art training, but I am self-taught. I like doing art because it makes me feel good. I like to draw flowers. Wyvetta

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