The Office of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) is responsible for implementing a statewide transformation of Alabama’s Behavioral Health System using the CCBHC Model of Care. The office is responsible for providing systems change processes for Alabama’s current Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC). Following the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) CCBHC Criteria, this office provides training and technical assistance to certified 310 CMHCs in developing the readiness necessary for this transformation.
Shalandra Rogers, CCBHC State Project Director
Persons Served
Persons Served related resources.
Provider related resources.
Potential CCBHCs
Potential CCBHC related resources
Video: What is a CCBHC?
CCBHC Billing Manual – coming soon
CCBHC Certification Application Process Flowchart
CCBHC Certification Criteria
CCBHC Criteria Checklist
CCBHCs and Crisis Response Systems
CCBHC Implementation Bulletins
National Council for Mental Wellbeing
PPS Guidance
Technical Assistance
Triggering Events (Updated February 18, 2025)
2024 Technical Specifications
Alabama Path to CCBHC
On March 31, 2014, Congress passed the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (H.R. 4302) (PAMA), which included a demonstration program based on the Excellence in Mental Health Act. The legislation created criteria for “Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics” (CCBHCs).As of March 2023, there are more than 500 CCBHCs operating in 46 states, plus Puerto Rico, Washington D.C. and Guam.
A Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) is a specially designated clinic that receives flexible funding to expand the scope of mental health and substance use services available in the community to ensure health equity and high-quality care for underserved and unserved populations. Alabama’s transition to this new, integrated business model of behavioral health care began in March 2023 with the award of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) CCBHC Planning Grant. Through this funding, the Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH) spearheaded several planning and readiness activities that has positioned the state to be an optimal site for SAMHSA CCBHC Demonstration.
Understanding the severe gaps in Alabama’s Behavioral Health continuum, ADMH began preparing to become a CCBHC demonstration state prior to receipt of the planning grant, commissioning a needs assessment in early 2022 to gain a full and objective picture of the service gaps in the state. This needs assessment served to guide the selection of our CCBHC impact goals and provided a roadmap for planning grant activities. ADMH has worked diligently over the past several years to identify gaps in services and to incrementally adjust the system toward supporting an integrated approach to mental health and substance use disorder (MH and SUD) treatment, thus establishing six state-funded Crisis Centers that serve as a foundational component of the CCBHC model. The CCBHC model will also improve integration, reduce silos and support a sustainable and well-trained behavioral health workforce.
ADMH sees the CCBHC model as a driving force that will assist in transforming our Behavioral Health Care continuum. Through Alabama’s participation in the SAMHSA Demonstration program which began on July 1, 2024, ADMH’s long-term goal is to have all 19 Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) become CCBHCs that will support statewide access to high-quality, accessible, and integrated care for all. Understanding this is a major paradigm shift for our CMHCs, the ADMH has prepared a robust CCBHC certification process that will help to develop the readiness capacity of CMHCs statewide.
CCBHC Required Services
Crisis response providing 24/7/365 access to help stabilize an individual in the least restrictive and the most clinically appropriate manner.
Screening, diagnosis, and risk assessment for behavioral health care conditions and primary care needs that are conducted in a timeframe responsive to the needs of the individual.
Evidence based rehabilitation services and recovery support that helps individuals develop skills and functioning to facilitate community living.
Ongoing primary care monitoring of health conditions to ensure individuals have access to primary care services and promotion of a healthy lifestyle through care coordination with primary care and specialty health providers.
Providing an intensive level of support that goes beyond care coordination by assisting people receiving services in sustaining recovery and gaining access to needed medical, social, legal, educational, housing, vocational, and other services and supports.
Peer support including wellness and recovery services, peer education, leadership development, self-help groups, and family/caregiver support.
Tailored community-based behavioral health care for U.S. Armed Forces and veterans.
Comprehensive, customized treatment planning based upon a shared decision-making approach.
Evidenced based practices for treating mental health and substance use disorders across the lifespan while ensuring accessibility and availability of services regardless of one’s ability to pay or location of residence.
Evaluation and Outcomes
Alabama is required to participate in the CCBHC national evaluation and provide information to the national evaluation team regarding program implementation and progress, including information on the clinic certification process and development of the prospective payment system; cooperate with the national evaluation contractor in making claims and encounter data available, as well as any other data collected by the state with regard to the CCBHCs and their DCOs; and to project, collect, document, track, and analyze data on the impact of Alabama’s participation in the Demonstration program.
CCBHC Locations
AltaPointe Health
2009 Medical Center Drive, Bay Minette 36507
63 Dixie Youth Drive, Chatom 36518
2400 Gordon Smith Drive, Mobile 36617
4040 Memorial Parkway SW, Huntsville 35802
1909 Commerce Avenue, Cullman, AL 35055
Contact Us
We’re here to help! If you’re interested in learning more about CCBHCs, contact us at