African Dude

African Dude

I have struggled with the symptoms of my illness. I was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I have struggled with outbursts and anger problems. I have maintained recovery and independence by attending day treatment and

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Alien Launch Pad???

Alien Launch Pad???

I have had many problems in my life since my LSD overdose. I have had many social problems and trouble getting along with other people. I was ostracized by my community when I was a youth and still struggle with

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Mental Illness 2

Mental Illness 2

Growing up gay and with mental illness in Alabama in the 1980s was a major challenge. I denied my mental illness for many years. I didn’t cope well and resorted to cutting and burning to relieve my emotional pain. In

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God Bless Us All

God Bless Us All

I drew this picture of the cross with angel wings for everyone because it was for each and everyone that we lost and gained. Some people were brought closer to God and some repented and still have faith and believe

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What I See

What I See

My name is J.B. I have been diagnosed with manic depression. Although I believe I am perfectly normal, I have been in and out of jails and institutions since I was 16. It seems like every time I see a

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Chasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows

I started in this life as a child growing up in Maryland. I’m the middle of three boys. My parents came from hard-working families that pushed for education and encouraged us to do our best. I was fortunate to have

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I have been coming to SOMI Club for a long time. I like wiping the tables and having fun with my friends. I love cooking and eating. When I have a hard time I pray.  I learned to paint at

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The Word of God

The Word of God

I have faced many obstacles in my life. I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and stressors. I have faced physical health struggles. I have worked to overcome these obstacles by seeking treatment, taking my medicine, and using coping skills. I

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