In addition to our state-run facilities, ADMH provides an array of services through a network of over 200 certified community mental health, substance use disorder prevention and treatment, and developmental disability providers in over 600 locations across Alabama.

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  • What are you looking for? to filter our providers by word(s): name, city, funding source, specific service...
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  • Select a location to filter our providers by county (the Z All Counties option yields only providers that serve all 67 counties)

You can also click on either option under Browse by these categories to sort providers by type.

If you do not know the name of a provider, select both a category AND location before you hit Search Listing to filter our providers.

Crisis Information

Part of the Alabama Crisis System of Care, the Crisis Centers are individualized to the unique needs of the communities they serve.  They are located at the community mental health centers in Birmingham, Mobile, Montgomery, and Huntsville, with more to come.

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