Child and Adolescent MI Treatment Services serve as the primary liaison between the department and certified community mental health providers. This office is responsible for the regulation of Alabama’s public mental healthcare services delivery system for children/adolescents with a Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED). We contract with 310 board community mental health centers throughout Alabama to offer outpatient, outreach, day, residential, and crisis services. All of the state’s certified community mental health centers provide services regardless of ability to pay. This office ensures quality standards are met, the flow of funds and services are efficient, and requirements attached to federal funds are in place.

Specialty Services offered for Children and Adolescents

Child and Adolescent services are offered for those 18 years old and younger who meet the criteria for SED. Alabama’s treatment providers offer a continuum of care ranging from crisis, outpatient, outreach, day, and residential. One or more of these services is offered in all 67 counties.

Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)
School-Based Mental Health Collaboration (SBMHC)
SED Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS)