Recovery Organization of Support Specialists (R.O.S.S.) of Boaz
Funding Sources: ADMH Block Grant & ADMH SOR
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 9:00pm
Weekly Activities:
Monday: 6:00p-6:30p: Parenting
7:00p-8:00p: NA
7:00p-8:00p: Chemical Dependency
Tuesday: 12:00p-12:30p: Parenting
12:00p-1:00p: NA
6:00p-7:00p: Anger Management
6:30p-7:30p: AA
Wednesday: 2:00p-3:00p: AA
6:00p-7:00p: Professional's Support Group
6:00p-7:00p: MAT (2nd and 3rd Week Only)
Thursday: 12:00p-1:00p: Chemical Dependency (ARAB)
6:30p-7:00p: AA
7:00p-8:00p: NA
Friday: 6:30p-7:30p: Faith-Based (ARAB)
7:00p-8:00p: Chemical Dependency
Saturday: 10:00a-1:00p: SUMMER BLAST COOKOUT
(1st Saturday of the Month Starting April 2022)
1:00p-2:00p: AA
2:15p-3:15p: Grief Group (1st and 4th Saturday)
Sunday: 4:00p-5:00p: Men's Step Study
4:00p-5:00p: Lift Life
*Offers Adolescent and Adult Services